Attention spiritual seeker:
In this short message, you are about to discover …
How A “Mystery School” Can Skyrocket Your Personal Power, Slash Your Learning Curve In Half, And Launch Yourself Down The Fast Track Of Ritual Magick Success
Even If You’re Brand New To Magick And Never Cast A Spell Before In Your Life…So You Can Manifest Results Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible.
Plus, I have a sweet surprise for you at the end so don’t skip ahead!

Let me tell you a story...

You know, learning Ritual Magick reminds me a lot of the time I learned how to speak German.

I’ve always been fascinated by the wonders of the world and my heart yearned to uncover its secrets. 

I caught wind of this ancient set of Hermetic texts that were said to be so powerful that they would change your life just by reading them!

The only problem was, they were in German. And I didn’t know the first thing about speaking the language!  Let alone how to read it.

I figured that learning German would be the way to go, as it would change my perspective and give me a different outlook on life. 

So I took the plunge and bought an online course to start speaking at home. 

I studied the material and practiced for myself for three months straight.  And I thought I was pretty good! 

Then, I met up with my German friend Heinz and when I spoke to him in his native tongue, he laughed so hard...
He Spit His Drink In My Face!
I was so embarrassed. I thought I was doing it right the whole time! 

But the truth was this:

My attempt at doing it alone trained me to make a lot of mistakes because no one was there to correct me or guide me or show me the way.

I had no idea if I was doing it right or wrong, I just kept doing it. 

So even though I thought it was working, it really wasn’t, and it made me look like a fool!

That’s when I had a massive breakthrough, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I realized that the BEST way to learn a new language was to surround myself with people who spoke it!  So I took a course in Germany and went right to the source. 

Fast forward to three months later, and you’d think I grew up speaking the language my entire life!

Why?  Because, by surrounding yourself with like minded people who do something all the time, you pick it up automatically. 

You correct yourself naturally without feeling embarrassed because you learn from the people who’ve been doing it the right way - all day, every day - year after year after year. 

And, if you DO make a mistake, and you’re surrounded by the right people, it’s never a big deal!  Instead, they point it out and show you the right way so you never make the same mistake again. 

My Results Came Faster
And Easier Than Ever Before
Before I knew it, not only was I reading the ancient texts I sought after for so long, but I could write about it in German as well! 

That’s when I knew that the language had become a part of me. 

Because when you immerse yourself in a group of like minded people who are on the same path as you, just further down the road ...

You catch up to their speed quickly, rise to their level, and engrain it as a permanent part of your life.
That’s What A Mystery School Does For You
When you enter a Mystery School, you pick up on the collective experience of its members. 

Just like learning a new language by visiting the country…

You gain the personal support you need as you grow by piggybacking off the experience of those around you.  

You always have someone to guide you, gently correct your mistakes and show you the right way.

You amplify your energy by combining it with the energy of others, and you start seeing massive results in your life faster than you ever hoped for. 

But unlike German …

This new language of Ritual Magick that you are learning in your new Manual isn’t used to communicate with other people. 

It’s used to communicate directly with the Universe itself so you can …

  • Banish negative energy in any room or environment
  • Change your mental and emotional state in seconds
  • Understand the mysterious world within you
  • Attune yourself to the wisdom of the ages
  • Grasp the inner power of your subconscious mind
  • Expand your awareness to a higher dimension
  • Start living without limits of the 3rd dimension
  • Attain real happiness and inner peace
  • Achieve enlightenment of who you really are

...and most of all, it’s the language that directly commands the Universe to bend reality to your will, control your every outcome, and manifest the happy and abundant life you desire and deserve.  

That’s why, I cordially invite you to join the same Mystery School that created the Ritual Magick Manual you are about to receive today, and …
Join The ‘Hermetic Order Of the Golden Dawn’ And Tap Into The Most Powerful ‘Mystery School’ On Earth
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is the most prestigious and influential magical Mystery School since the late 19th-century.

Pick up any book on practical Magick, and you’re likely to find rituals, often without attribution, plagiarized from the Golden Dawn.

By becoming a member of the Golden Dawn, you’ll join some of the most powerful and influential people in history, and learn the same secrets that helped them ascend to greatness. 
Famous Members Include...
  • William Butler Yeats, Poet and Nobel laureate
  • Bram Stoker, Author of Dracula
  • Florence Farr, Famous Actress
  • Pamela Coleman Smith, Artist and co-creator of the world's most popular Tarot deck (Rider-Waite)
  • S. L. MacGregor Mathers, founder of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Alpha Ωmega
  • Moina Mathers (Bergson), founder, Alpha Ωmega and sister of French artist Henri Bergson 
  • Dion Fortune, founder, Inner Light 
  • Paul Foster Case, founder, Builders Of The Adytum
  • A. E. Waite, co-creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck
There are several grades of initiation that you will graduate to over time, and thanks to the modern miracles of the Internet, we can now train new initiates in the ways of High Magick anywhere in the world!  

Each new grade you reach will unlock a brand new online course. You can go as fast or as slow as you want.  

You WILL be tested at each round to prove you have mastered each level and are ready for the more advanced secrets ahead of you.  And with 612 lessons total, you can go at your own pace, and radically transform your life. 

As a new Neophyte initiate, you’ll discover things like...

  • The hidden natural laws guiding every outcome in your life, and how to bypass fear, failure and frustration just by knowing them. 

  • How to become an alchemist of desire so you can manifest riches beyond measure in all areas of your life.

  • Simple ways to awaken forces in your body that help you achieve more with less effort because things start happening for you, not to you.

  • How to dissolve unresolved “parental conflicts” in your psyche that have been forcing you to fail.

  • The secret to cleansing your ego of negativity and tap into the power of your core authentic self.

  • The best way to speed up your spiritual growth so you can discover worlds beyond the physical prison you are trapped in and reach true freedom. 

  • The right way to use a Magick Wand and how to use daggers to dispel evil energy.

  • How specific rituals create results you can feel in your mind and body.

  • Unleash your imagination from the bounds of adulthood so you visualize more clearly and manifest them faster than ever before!

  • The secrets of “scrying” - a visionary process that tests your visions for accuracy and authenticity - separating your inner truth from the mental programming of modern day, or delusional memories clouding your mind.

  • How to communicate, test and verify other worldly entities you encounter in your visions and dreams to eliminate self deceit, self sabotage and self destructive beliefs.

  • How to perform ritual magick and use “inner alchemy” to discover your true self beyond this ego and flesh.

  • The correct way to bless yourself and invoke divine energy into your body.  Hint:  This sign of the cross is something that the catholic church doesn’t want you to know the true meaning of.  

  • Two secret rituals for cleansing your body, heart and mind of all negative influences so you can feel the emotions you WANT to feel.  You’ll never feel like a victim of outside forces again. 

  • The truth about “holy pentagrams” and how to use this sacred symbol in 8 different ways to positively manipulate the world around you and gain control of your environment.

  • A simple way to track your progress as your Magick power grows so your mentor can help you skyrocket your results.

  • How to break down your “old self” you no longer wish to be and make room for the new and more powerful person you are destined to become.

  • How to harness the hidden ways of the universe and your mind that no one has ever told you.

  • The truth about Astrology Magick and the 4 elements (air, earth, fire and water) that your average horoscope writers will never know.

  • The “fourfold breath” technique  for quickly quieting your mind and entering supreme focus even if your mind is racing from a stressful day at work.

  • How to eliminate obsessive or disturbing thoughts from your mind in 90 seconds or less using your index finger. 

  • Want angelic protection?  Summon powerful archangels to flood your mind with insights and guard yourself from evil. 

  • How to use “ritual symbolism” to invoke divine beings into your body and transform your consciousness with love and light - An experience you cannot explain!

  • How to call upon all four elements to shift the energy of any situation to your favor - and any person you need protection from - so things work out for you automatically.

  • The five different types of holy crosses, what they mean and how each one uniquely affects your energy. 

You’ll also be invited for a physical, in person initiation that follows our ancient traditions so you can get the absolute most out of your magical work.  

After you complete your Neophyte training, you’ll graduate to...
Zelator Grade:  Discover the secrets of clairvoyance using talismans to manifest your own reality and the outcomes in your life.
Theoricus Grade: Unravel the mysteries of your true self, and gain the power of Geomancy to harness Earth energy to aid you in your quest. 
Practicus Grade:  See into the future and control your own destiny through divination with Tarot. PLUS, how to perform an exorcism.
Philosophus Grade:  How to use the Tree of Life to raise your vibration to higher levels of consciousness, and use Astrology to navigate your life to the promised land of your dreams.
Portal Grade:  Uncover the forbidden secrets of Egyptian Pyramid God Forms and learn the hidden truth behind the mysteries of the Universe, why we are here, and what this life is all for.
But that’s only the beginning …

As a Neophyte initiate, you’ll also be granted …
A Personal Mentor That Takes You By The Hand And Walks You To The Promised Land Of Absolute Power
As a new initiate, you will be given a mentor who has been in your shoes and will walk beside you as you ascend to greatness. 

Why?  Because you are about to discover secret, arcane knowledge and scientifically apply it to change your life.  

You’ll learn about ancient secrets and rituals, ceremonies, tools, astrology, tarot, pronunciation of Divine Names, and everything else you can imagine, so you’ll have questions about how it works and what to do.  

Instead of struggling with it yourself, and wondering if it’s working or not - you’ll have an elder Magician by your side to help you through all the steps of the path to enlightenment, because they’ve been there themselves.  

Your personal mentor is hand chosen for you based on who you are and where you’re at.  This tradition spans centuries, and will launch you ahead of the learning curve farther than you ever thought was truly possible.
Two Live Magick Intensive Webinars Every Month
Get LIVE Q & A feedback from high level members of the Golden Dawn Mystery School every two weeks as you continue along your journey.  

You’ll get real on-the-ground feedback on the work you’re doing, the results you’re getting, and the changes you’re making in your life.  

These hour long calls are small enough to get all of your questions answered, but large enough to create a mastermind of magical talent that will empower you every time you attend.  

You’ll feel confident knowing the power of the group has your back to make sure you stay the course and get the results you’re looking for. 
Exclusive Access To The Society Forum
You’ll gain full support from our exclusive community with 24 hour access to our international forums, where we gather as a society and discuss new breakthroughs in our Magick and philosophy.  

Brothers and sisters who all share the same values, from all across the globe, are gathered to welcome you with open arms, here to answer your questions any time of the day, providing you with the encouragement you need to face your demons as you walk the path to greater enlightenment.  

WIth the combined power of your private community, you’ll make more tangible progress over the next year than you’ve experienced in the last decade of your life.  

I’m also going to give you a crash course in Hermetic secrets to get you faster results so you can ascend to higher levels and work with more powerful entities and energies.  
PLUS:  5 Rare Hermetic Texts For Activating Miracles
Bonus Book 1: The Laws of Hermetic Science
The little known secrets to unlocking your true nature, and how to harness that power through Laws of the Universe most people will never know exists, yet directly lead to manifesting miracles in your life – A $29 Value!
Bonus Book 2: Occult Science Unveiled
The factual truth about Magick, what it is, how it functions, and the proven, scientific secrets that make it work.  PLUS how to apply these scientific facts to enhance your power and get faster results.  – A $49 Value!
Bonus Book 3: Magick: Natural and Divine
How to harness the innate power of nature so you can connect with the infinite wisdom already inside you.  You’ll never feel more powerful in your practice than when you use these ancient secrets of the Magus.  – A $49 Value!
Bonus Book 4: The Science of Miracles
Discover “Thaumaturgy” - the ancient Science of Miracles unearthing the mysteries of the Sphinx.  See why ancient schools of Magick have kept this Egyptian science so closely guarded for centuries.  – A $39 Value!
Bonus 5: The Ultimate Magick Beginner's Cheat-Sheet!
A quickstart guide to Magick that boosts your results from the moment you begin, with everything you need to take your Neophyte training to the end as quickly as possible.  Most people progress five times faster because of this alone!  – A $29 Value!
Here’s What You Get When You Sign Up Today
  • One Full Year of Hermetic Golden Dawn Enrollment
  • Live initiation into the Order
  • Unlimited Access to 612 lessons - grade by grade - in PDF, audio and video form
  • Live Magick Webinars twice a month
  • Monthly Mentoring With GD Elder via email
  • Exclusive access to Rosicrucian Initiates community
  • Free membership in the AΩ Rosicrucian Mystery School
PLUS, you’ll also get the Ancient Rites Book Collection as free gifts:

  • The Laws of Hermetic Science
  • Occult Science Unveiled
  • Magick:  Natural and Divine
  • The Science of Miracles
  • The Ultimate Magick Beginners Cheat Sheet
This ebook collection is available instantly and worth $214 in total value. 

Normally, everything you see here is a $1,497 value per year.

But you are not going to pay that today. On our website we offer this for $199 per year.

And most people agree, that all the secret knowledge (plus live webinars and personal mentorship) included is a steal of a deal for $199 a year.  

That’s less than $17 per month!


Because you are a subscriber on the Alpha Ωmega mailing list, I’m going to SLASH that price in HALF!

That means … 

Now Is Your Chance To Join The Golden Dawn For 50% LESS Than Everyone ELSE Has To Pay…

… and lock on a yearly enrollment for only $99 right now! 

Just go ahead and click the “join now” button below and we'll automatically charge your card because I’ve already filled in your details for you.  

You’ll get instant access to all the material you see here today, and risk nothing by giving yourself a chance at true greatness. 
Apply For Initiation 100% Risk Free
For centuries, initiation into our sacred tradition was grueling, and involved many tests of strength, spirit and character.

Today, we may live in a digital age, but our standards have always stayed the same.  

The only difference is our process.  Instead of proving your worth over the course of many months and in person meetings … we simply have a new initiate questionnaire that you must answer openly and honestly as soon as you start your journey.  

The fact that you showed up here today and bought the Ritual Magick Manual, it’s clear that you want to change your life, and since you’ve made it this far already, it tells me that you are likely someone who fits right in.

And that’s exactly the type of person we are looking for.

Your Enrollment Comes WIth A 60 Day “No Questions Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee
When (and if) you ARE accepted as a new member, you have 60 days to test drive your membership before you commit to buy.  

That means you’ll get access to all our ancient Magick secrets, all the bonus books, TWO personal mentoring sessions and FOUR live webinars before you decide to invest anything.  

If for any reason (or no reason at all) you decide to cancel within that 60 day period, I will gladly hand you back every single penny.

In other words,  I’m willing to pay people to train you personally, even if you want a refund.  

This is a big SURPRISE for most people, and some think I’m crazy … but THAT is how confident I am that our training will radically boost your life success. 

Because now, it’s YOUR time to shine.  
1/2 Off Golden Dawn Enrollment Ends In...
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  • -
To enroll in Hermetic Golden Dawn simply click the “Enroll Now”  button below.  

Just click the button and start your new journey.  

Again, you’ll get instant access to EVERYTHING!

Thanks again for your reading.  

And please, DO join the order and take your next step …

I guarantee there’s nothing that will make a bigger impact on your future than gaining the support of the most powerful magicians alive.   

Click the button below and I’ll see you on the other side.
To your spiritual adventure!
David Griffin
Imperator HOGD AΩ  

PS: Don’t just take my word for it, see what other aspiring magicians have to say…

“The Golden Dawn has shown me that I am Master of my own Destiny rather than merely the product of my social conditioning.” - Jacques N., Paris, France

“I have seen profound, positive transformation, not only in myself, but also in my relationships and in others on the same Path. I have gained self-mastery, knowledge, and peace within. I have been able to let go of past issues, fine tune my innate talents, and awaken latent ones.” - Anabela P., Rio de Janiero, Brazil

“I have always had reservations about any tradition promising things far beyond one's own reality, but any doubts I had were totally blown away by Golden Dawn initiation and practice. This is the real thing!” - Neal S., Flagstaff, AZ

“I was initially skeptical about the Golden Dawn and magic because there is so much sanctimonious, fluffy bunny stuff in the esoteric world. The effect of the Golden Dawn Neophyte initiation followed by the spiritual practices put my doubts to rest forever.- Suso L., Barcelona, Spain

Not only the curriculum of the HOGD is more advanced than any other magick course, but also the practice, the mentors, the tutoring system, and webinars too. All aspects of your training course are wisely constructed to be user friendly so I could make rapid progress. I do not want to flatter you, you know who you are and what you did, I am only observing and tracing my conclusion: HOGD is the best way to go when interested in the GD system and Rosicrucian Magick." - Mircea Bucin, Bucarest, Romania

“I wholeheartedly recommend HOGD, which stands unsurpassed for its academic standards, support system and the integrity of actual physical initiations, preserving the age-old initiatic stream that I always dreamed existed.” - Derek D., Worcester, South Africa

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn course is produced by Alpha Ωmega.

We are the sole and exclusive owners of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn® trademark in the European Union (reg. 000063925).
In the United States, we use the mark Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Alpha Ωmega Rosicrucian Mystery School
by trademark agreement adopted by the US District Court for Northern California.

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